Other projects
Computational History of the Philosophy of Science (Comp-HOPOS)
The Comp-HOPOS is a dataset which includes the names of most authors who have published in a philospohy of science journal. The purpose of the dataset is to facilitate analysis of the contribution of women to the philosophy of science. My own role in Comp-HOPOS was relatively small: I wrote the Python script which identifies probable duplicate names in the dataset (including misspellings and the like) and generates a set of CSV files which show each philosopher's total publications in the designated philosophy of science journals.
Evolutionary Mismatch Repository (EMR)
There is no good repository of information and papers specifically focused on mismatch. This is no doubt due in part to the relative novelty of the terminology, but the concepts involved are much older. Much of the research which is very clearly focused on mismatch does not explicitly use the terminology. Thus, part of the goal of the EMR is to identify mismatch-concepts as they are used in the wild (as it were), collecting research and putting it into one convenient place for interested scholars. The EMR site is here, but the repository has yet to be put together beyond the bones of the site.
Philosophy of biology reading list
To be a philosopher is to constantly discover gaps in one's own knowledge and reading. To be a young philosopher is to do so under high-stress circumstances like conferences and job talks. I am currently working on putting together my own recommended reading list for philosophers of biology, with an eye to helping prevent the deer-in-the-headlights feeling. The intent of the list is not to make someone an expert in the discipline, but rather to provide a couple dozen papers which will serve as a useful survey---in particular, those papers you probably should have read. Like the EMR above, this project is not yet publicly available.